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Conservation Meeting Minutes 02/05/2009

Conservation Commission
February 5, 2009

Peg Arguimbau Chairman, Hank Langstroth, Christine Turnbull, Elizabeth McGrath, and Stephen Cremer were the members present.

8:00 p.m., The Commission discussed Evan Tatro’s proposed Eagle Scout Project:
Jeff Tatro was present in the audience.
Boy Scout Evan Tatro appeared before the Commission to discuss his proposed project to install a canoe rack and safety system at the Horizons for Youth waterfront. He explained to the Commission that he previously met with the Board of Selectmen concerning his proposed project. The Selectmen expressed an interest in his proposed project and suggested that he meet with the Commission due to its close proximity to Lake Massapoag. Evan submitted an information sheet concerning his proposed project to the Commission with illustrations of the proposed canoe rack and buddy board. He said that the proposed project was initially suggested to him by Mr. Michael Bossin and Mr. Gary Bluestein from the Horizons for Youth Reuse Committee. Evan explained to the Commission that he feels his proposed project would benefit the Town in many ways. He presented the following scope of the proposed project to the Commission:
·       The proposed construction of two sets of canoe racks designed for the storage of 16 canoes, to be installed approximately 30’ from the waterfront of the Horizons for Youth Campsite.
·       The building materials being proposed for this project include four 8’L 4”x 6” pressure treated posts with coated steel cross sections. The posts are proposed to be installed approximately 4’underneath the sand and connected to cross sections. All of the excavation work for the proposed project will be completed by hand.
·       Bungee cords and locking cables are being proposed for securing the canoes on the racks when not in use.
·       The installation of the proposed project will be completed with the help of the Boy Scouts from Troup 95 and adults during May 2009. The estimated time to complete the project is 1-2 days.
Evan explained to the Commission that he is in the process of raising funds for the proposed project.
The Commission expressed the following concerns to the Applicant for the proposed project:
·       For Evan to meet with the Conservation Administrator on the proposed project site to select the best location for installing the canoe racks away from the high water mark. Peg suggested that Evan present a letter to the Commission based on the recommendations made by the Administrator. She also suggested that he submit a proposed plan showing that a new location for the canoe racks has been selected further away from the resource areas of the site.       
·       Hank suggested that Evan consider selecting a different type of lumber material for the posts such as cedar, as opposed to pressure treated wood.
·       Stephen Cremer suggested another possibility for Evan to consider for his proposed project is the installation of a canoe rack design that is strictly mounted on the surface of the ground.   
Evan agreed to present the Commission with a new plan following his meeting with the Conservation Administrator.

8:15 p.m., N.O.I. hearing continuance filed by Gary L. Werden for the proposed construction of a boat house on the edge of a Bordering Vegetated Wetland at 95 Beach Street., DEP File # SE-280-0500:
Jim Miller from Miller Engineering appeared before the Commission along with the Applicant.
Jim presented the Commission with a copy of the initial plan dated 11/18/08 showing where he added some mitigation areas that he discussed at a previous meeting with the Commission. Jim reviewed the following mitigation ideas for the Commission concerning the proposed project:
·       The proposed installation of a water quality swale/berm along the left side of the proposed boat
        house for collecting any potential water runoff from the mounded septic system and the boat
·       The proposed installation of a small detention area behind the boat house. The foundation could
      be used as part of the containment area for any excess water flow.

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·       The installation of a pervious paved driveway in front of the boat house.
Jim Miller explained to the Commission that the Applicant also owns two parcels on the opposite side of the street by Lake Massapoag. However, he is not sure whether it would be possible to propose a project in that location.
The Applicant explained that during his previous meeting with the Commission, it was suggested that he search for a different location for his proposed project. He said that the cross hatched areas on the plan are located inside the setbacks as well as other prohibited areas. The Applicant explained to the Commission that he is not proposing to expand his activity on the site. He does not understand how the environment could be negatively impacted from storing items inside a boat house as opposed to leaving them outside on the property.
Stephen Cremer explained to the Applicant that once a permanent building is constructed on the site a future property owner could re-designate its function.
Peg explained to the Applicant that his proposal to install a permanent structure on the wetland line would be in violation of the Massachusetts Wetlands Protection Act.
The Conservation Administrator explained to the Applicant that the Town does not want to set any new precedents for granting variances on non-conforming lots.    
The members of the Commission discussed with the Applicant the option of installing a temporary structure on his property, as opposed to a permanent structure.
Stephen Cremer recalled that a person from Camden, Maine used to design temporary fabric structures that were very attractive.
The Applicant indicated that he was interested in investigating temporary structures for his proposed project, and requested an indefinite hearing postponement with the Commission.  
Peg called for a motion for the Commission to continue the hearing until further notified by the Applicant.
Hank Langstroth moved. Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

8:50 p.m., The Commission discussed ratifying the Enforcement Order for Daly, 21 Beach Road,
DEP File # SE-280-0471:

Following the Commission’s review of the violation issues at 21 Beach Road, the Commission agreed to ratify the Enforcement Order issued to Mr. Daly on January 27, 2009.
Peg called for a motion for the Commission to ratify the Enforcement Order issued to Mr. Daly,
21 Beach Road, DEP File # SE-280-0471.
Hank Langstroth moved. Elizabeth McGrath seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

9:00 p.m., Old/New Business:

Following the Commission’s review of the draft of the new Open Space Plan, Peg called for a motion for the Commission to formulate a letter addressed to the Open Space Committee, stating that the Commission approves the draft of the Open Space Plan.
Hank Langstroth moved for Peg to endorse the approval letter on behalf of the Commission.
Stephen Cremer seconded. Voted. Unanimous.

Peg informed the Commission that Keevin Geller filed an application with the Selectmen expressing his interest in serving on the Commission. His background includes previous conservation experience.

9:15 p.m. Approve past Meeting Minutes:

Peg called for a motion to approve the January 22, 2009 Meeting Minutes as amended.
Stephen Cremer moved. Elizabeth McGrath seconded. Voted. 4-0-1.

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9:20 p.m., Signatures:

The Commission signed bills. The members of the Commission signed the Schaffel Conservation Restriction comprised of approximately 12 ½ acres on High/Billings Streets. The Commission signed the Declaration of Restrictive Covenant for land in Sharon Commons, comprised of approximately 16 acres within the water protection area, Parcel CE-4. Peg signed, on behalf of the Commission, a Provisional Project Cooperative Agreement related to the Great Cedar Swamp in Sharon.

9:30 p.m., Adjournment:

Peg called for a motion to adjourn.
Stephen Cremer moved. Christine Turnbull seconded. Voted. Unanimous.